Does this mean pay-day for the McNulty backers?

Does this mean pay-day for the McNulty backers?

BBC News

Making money on McNulty’s money-making

It’s been an up and down eight months for the McNulty troughing backers – those of us who piled into the William Hill market at the end of March taking as much as we could of the 5/1 bet that the former minister would have to pay back some of his housing claims for the mortgage on a house he owns in his Harrow constituency where his parent live.

At the end of May, after the Telegraph MP expenses explosion, it was reported that he had voluntarily paid some cash back – an act that was ruled outside of the bet which talked about compulsion.

Then, earlier in October, all seemed lost when it was reported that the Sir Thomas Legg report was not demanding that money be repaid.

But now tonight it’s starting to look good again – it’s reported that he’s being rebuked and will have to pay back £13,000.

Oh the ups and downs of political betting.

Mike Smithson

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