What else is Gilligan working on about this place?

What else is Gilligan working on about this place?


    Is the Jasper resignation the beginning or the end?

Anybody betting on the London Mayoral election should check out this interview with the Evening Standard’s Andrew Gilligan which appeared in the Independent a couple of days ago.

What I found striking from the piece was his step by step approach of never revealing all at one go. The Jasper revelations and resignation won’t be the last, story that he’ll try to do on Ken’s custodianship of the Mayoralty between now and the election on May 1st.

    Clearly his paper wants Livingstone out and you have to factor in whether or not there’ll be something very big in the days before polling.

A consequence of last night’s Jasper resignation is that it’s likely to bring other parts of the media into the act and for Gilligan’s investigations to be given greater credence.

Click for latest betting on the Mayor race.

Mike Smithson

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