Boundary review expected to be completed a lot earlier than expected

Boundary review expected to be completed a lot earlier than expected

The final plan could go to MPs June 2013

It is my understanding from a party official who is close to what is going on is that the process of agreeing the new electoral map is progressing much faster than had been expected. The result is that the crucial commons vote to rubber stamp the plan could take place in June/July 2013, three months ahead of schedule.

The commissioners have been helped by there being far fewer objections than had been anticipated.

The commons vote on the proposals has long been seen as a challenge for the coalition. Essentially the new boundaries make the vote threshold for a Tory majority that much lower and for a LAB one a little bit higher.

My reading is that the biggest problem for the government will not come from Lib Dems but from disgruntled Tory MPs whose position has become more vulnerable because of the change.

Having the plan agreed much earlier takes away a lot of the uncertainty.

Mike Smithson @MikeSmithsonOGH

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